Thursday, September 14, 2006

Empty nest my ass!

You know, I've been looking forward to suffering from the "empty nest syndrome" from the birth of my first child. And initially, it looked as though this was a distinct possibility, but alas, it was not to be. The first child flew the coop about 3 years ago, but has now landed back on the door step with 2 children in tow. Anyone that has ever been to my domicile has to ask: "Where do you have the room for 3 additional people?" The answer is: "I don't" But, if you recall a previous post concerning the addition of the detached 3 car garage, you might also come to the same conclusion that I have: Move her into the old attached garage. This is what we did. Now, this attached garage is uninsulated, uncarpeted, and unairconditioned, which equates to uncomfortable. My first thought was:"tough! That what they get for throwing a rather large wrench into an otherwise fool-proof plan!" But, having a soft heart, a notion that some that know me, might vehemently reject, I did buy a window unit and am planning to insulate soon. If moving back in with Mom and Dad was not bad enough, she has also brought with her a mountain of emotional and attitudinal (not sure if that's a word or not, but it works for me) baggage. You know, if this were Saudi Arabia, and I was a muslim, I would be fully justified with stoning her in the town square for dishonoring her family. But we live in Florida, and I am agnostic, which leaves me with but one option...dealing with it. Arrrggghhhhh! I am now in search of a physician that will perscribe huge amounts of Zanex, hopefully with a bulk discount. I have also placed all weapons of mass destruction out of arms reach and 3 miles down the road. Either the 3 mile trek will calm me down, or provide me with a plan to get away with the ideas that pop into my brain whenever the chaos level at the house exceeds OSHA approved limits.