Monday, May 30, 2011

To those that defend our great nation...

My sincere thanks to those that have served or who are serving the greatest nation on Earth: The United States Of America. What a country!

Take a look around. It's been 150 years since any of us had to worry about hiding in our basements or defending our homes from hostile forces. Our peace and prosperity has been bought and paid for by the blood, sweat and tears of those that chose to serve.

The way I look at it, all that I have I owe to them and those that came before.

I believe that our leadership, not just the POTUS, have forgotten that these are MEN and WOMEN that we are sending in country. Their Blood will be spilled, and for what?

Hey Dub, I voted for ya, but you sure did put one over on me, TWICE! Iraq is a MONEY war. Contractors-all-you-can-eat buffet on the tax-payer's dime war. I feel ashamed that I helped this happen by helping to vote GWB and his cronies into office. I apologize for that yall.

The Oath taken by every service member includes the phrase "...I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." psst! I think the threat is over...

I've read and said aloud the entire Oath. No where in it, does it refer to oil, money, big business, or religion. Yet, we find ourselves mired in TWO wars.

The SOB that planned 9/11 is dead.
Saddam is wormfood.

You can not impose democracy upon a populace that does not comprehend it. Those that can have already left.

There is nothing to be gained in either theater of war. Let's get our people home and commit war on all that is wrong here at HOME.

Before another American dies, BRING THEM HOME!

Leave a comment if you agree or even if you don't! This is America!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I jus dont get it...

Just about every day I find someone that just doesn't get it.. whatever 'it' is.

Maybe it's that co-worker that just doesn't understand the nature of your work.
Maybe it's that non-responder to e-mails.
Maybe it's that nosy neighbor with time on her hands.

It's a roll of the dice as to who it's going to be.

Today, it is Me.

I just don't get it.


Saturday, April 09, 2011

The best way to kill an enemy...

Is to make him a friend. Not sure who originally wrote that, but it sure does make sense, in most cases. There are exceptions. With day to day enemies like apathy, sloth, and complacency, making friends is not an option. One must kill this enemy. They are not flesh and blood, thus not subject to normal bullets or bombs. They exist solely in the minds of men. To combat these enemies, one must CARE, DO, and RESOLVE to leave a better place behind us as we leave. Each one of us must feel convicted to care about it, do something about it, and resolve to make it happen. What ever "it" is. Once we get into the habit of caring, doing and resolving, Apathy, Sloth, and Complacency die. One person at a time, starting with me. And just imagine if everyone cared, did, and resolved. I imagine a world with no hunger, poverty, and war.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Some times opportunity knocks, other times it strolls right on by.

Opportunity can manifest itself in many forms. We may or may not recognize it for what it truly is. It helps to open one's eyes! Look for opportunities for change, whatever it is. This is the American Way of Life. (That should be trade-marked if it isn't already). I found my thing. I've read more about our petroleum situation in the last two years that I had originally cared to. I've learned of quite a few technologies that claim to be able to wean America off the teat of foreign oil. A lot of them work. Yes, you can make fuel from algae, but at what scale?. Yes, you can grow corn and ferment ethanol, but at what cost? Of all the technologies out there holding a promise of energy independence, only one has stood out as the leader in all areas. This product is E4 Envirolene.

  • The process uses what we normally throw away! (Yay!)

  • The process scales! (How much trash ya got?)

  • The product works! (No drop in MPG, more power, less emissions)

  • The process employs people! (money cures many ills)

  • The process can be deployed virtually anywhere! (next to our soon-to-be-full landfills)

  • The product is profitable! (Imagine making money in the fuel sector and being environmentally correct at the same time!)

  • The product already has EPA approval for usage just like ethanol, but without the performance and mpg hit!
I am working on bringing this product to market. The market is HUGE. So huge in fact, that people can and do tout the latest and greatest thing, collecting investment dollars, with no actual intent of actually producing any fuel. See the following for an example: We are taking a different approach. Please take the time to do a little research and you should come to the same conclusion that I have: E4 is a viable product. It has ZERO against it, and EVERYTHING for it. When you are ready for some additional information, contact us:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

MR2 MKII Rear Tail-light assembly removal.

After almost breaking my tail-light trying to replace a light bulb, I figured I'd share what I have learned: The procedure is the same on both sides. There are 3 screws to remove. Pop the trunk. Right above the inboard side of the lense is a phillips head screw. Remove it. See Picture #1. Gently pull the inboard side of the lense out about 2 - 3 inches. this should provide a gap to pry away the outboard side sub-lens. See picture #2. This will reveal two more phillips head screws.Remove them. See picture #3.