Saturday, April 09, 2011

The best way to kill an enemy...

Is to make him a friend. Not sure who originally wrote that, but it sure does make sense, in most cases. There are exceptions. With day to day enemies like apathy, sloth, and complacency, making friends is not an option. One must kill this enemy. They are not flesh and blood, thus not subject to normal bullets or bombs. They exist solely in the minds of men. To combat these enemies, one must CARE, DO, and RESOLVE to leave a better place behind us as we leave. Each one of us must feel convicted to care about it, do something about it, and resolve to make it happen. What ever "it" is. Once we get into the habit of caring, doing and resolving, Apathy, Sloth, and Complacency die. One person at a time, starting with me. And just imagine if everyone cared, did, and resolved. I imagine a world with no hunger, poverty, and war.

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