Thursday, June 22, 2006

Greeting from perhaps the most humid and unhospitable place on earth. Nothing much has happened here lately, probably because it's too damn hot to do much of anything, besides *werk*. It seems that no matter what else is going on, I can count on werk sucking up my time. How I long for the olden days, when you ate what you grew or killed, drank what you brewed, and the vast majority of time was spent just trying to survive. There was no time to stick your nose into your neighbor's business, much less worry about the petty things that seem to occupy our thoughts today. Maybe I should move to Montana, brew my own beer, and concentrate on being a zero-net-add human. That means that I would only consume what I produce and produce only that which I consume. Jeez what a concept. Only drawback there is that my wife would probably revolt and return to the truly American way-of-life; Mass consumption.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do I detect a shade or two of dissatisfaction with the normal routine, D? Nice thing about choices is that they can be made over and over again till you find you've made one or two that really make a difference...

However, you are correct about things heating up. Too bad it's not just Florida!

If you moved to Montana, you might not like the cold; in fact I distinctly remember you saying so...and it's colder for longer up here than it is warmer for longer down you spend just as much time indoors. You use air conditioning. We use wood. I guess if we really want to live in a low stress environment it would have to be in the tropics, where the breezes always blow and the women are all drop-dead gorgeous...