Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday Bluez

If I were the absolute ruler of all space and time, I would immediately strike Mondays from the calendar. It would be one thing if Monday only came around once a year like President's Day, but no, it comes once a week, come hell or high-water. No only that, but it has to come right at the end of a weekend. Arrggghhhh. I'm in search of something that will cause me to actually look forward to Monday, but alas, no such luck.
Instead, maybe I'll just make something up to celebrate on Mondays. Perhaps the fact that Monday is actually one day closer to the next weekend will do, but that doesn't have the same feeling as, say, Friday, which IS the weekend in many circles, especially when you work for the Fed, State or Local Government.
I had a K.A. weekend and even a Monday can't take the shine outta that.

(K.A.---Use your imagination, you just might figure that one out.)


Anonymous said...

Ah yes but those rainy days and mondays sho beat de alternative #;-p

grump day, slump day, hump day, turd day, fried day.

Notyard said...

Indeed! I could not have said it better myself! I especially like the idea of a "fried" day.