Thursday, November 16, 2006

Da Ying and da Yang

You know, sometimes it's easy to lose site of the good things that happen to us, when we are consumed with hashing out the bad. Just the same way that the day is only possible because of the night, the good only exists because the bad gives us something with which to compare it to.

For instance:
The bad- My son blew the motor in his car and has been using mine for the last 6 months or so. During this period, he has chunked two tires, bent one rim, shredded one CV joint boot, and crushed one exhaust header.
The Good- He has paid to replace both tires, getting the rim fixed, and just yesterday handed me 12 crisp c-notes.

The Bad-I am late for an All Employee meeting and making time on I-95. I Look in the rear-view mirror and see a State Trooper with his lights on. Pulled over. Bummer.
The Good- The trooper has the same car as mine and is in the process of upgrading his motor and suspension. We spend the next 40 minutes discussing the mods on my car and his desire to do the same to his. No Ticket! No Problem!

The Bad- As I walked to the car this morning to start my daily commute, I could not see the front of my car for the rather large tree-limb resting on the hood. Great! Perfect!
The Good- No damage...not even a scratch!

Advantages are taken and not handed out- so as I do the daily return trip to the house from work, I will be stopping to purchase a few Lotto Tickets. Thirty Million!

The Bad- I'm gambling
The Good- We'll see. :)

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